EEPWVP - Effective Education for People Working with Vulnerable Persons


Among the main causes of poverty in Europe are lack of education, lack of employment opportunities, past personal experiences and different cultural backgrounds. During these last decades Europe has experienced a large influx of migrants coming from Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Most of these persons experience trauma during their voyage to Europe. This will have a negative effect on their social skills. Besides, their level of education will not be recognised by the hosting country and they will thus encounter a lack of employment opportunities. These characteristics will lead to poverty and social exclusion.

The aim of this project is to help educators and workers identify persons who are finding difficult to live, and learn how to educate them in an informal way which will lead to employment and social inclusion. Training will be given to educators who teach workers / front liners and other educators who interact with Third Country Nationals (TCNs) how to identify persons who experienced trauma and how to help them socially interact with others, and what basic skills they need to give them before encouraging TCNs to participate in formal recognized training courses.

Increase employee motivation and job satisfaction among people working with TCNs,
Increase innovation and efficiency in processes, leading to socially including TCNs,
Increase capacity to adopt new technologies, strategies, methods and services being offered,
Increase in the skills levels, competencies needed to do the job well and reduce employee turnover,
Increase the identification of victims of human trafficking or smuggling.
give basic skills to TCNs for future employment; and
have a holistic on-line training to different citizens from different EU Member States.
This project includes organisations from Malta, United Kingdom, Romania and Slovenia. More than 50 persons will be directly participating in the project. These participants will include front liners and educators who work with TCNs, victims of human trafficking and smuggling, administrative staff from the participating organisations, and important stakeholders such as NGOs working with TCNs and government officials.

‘Effective Education for Persons Working with Vulnerable People’ (EEPWVP) will comprise the establishment of three different intellectual outputs: the creation of a training manual, the training e-course and the creation of a mobile application.

These tools will be used in training programmes to help front line staff and educators working with TCNs with practical skills to accurately perform their key duties involving identifying victims, implementing protection systems and dequately safeguarding victims.

The training will address the basic skills needed by these persons, and how to lead them to participate at a community level. It will also highlight immediate services required by persons who experienced human trafficking or smuggling, including safe accommodation, medical care, counseling and education.

The project will include a number of activities including transnational meetings, research, administrative activities, and hands on activities that will lead to the creation of the intellectual outputs and a number of national conferences and training programmes to promote the intellectual outputs. The methodology to be used will be very informal and we will try to change the approach according to the target group of each particular activity.

The expected immediate results are:

400 printed manuals;
500 persons downloading the soft copy of the manual from our websites;
around 1,200 participants to undergo online training in the first five years of the e-course
around 500 persons will make use of the mobile application; and
around 180 persons will attend the conferences and training on the intellectual outputs.
The expected impact and long term benefits include a strengthened relationship amongst all participating organisations and their volunteers and workers, increase int eh level of efficiency of NGOs and workers that interact with TCNs by giving TCNs the requested services and basic skills, help TCNs, especially victims of smuggling and human trafficking to overcome the trauma they passed through, and complement the national policies to integrate TCNs into the local communities.

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