Alliance of Universities to Reinforce teacher training curricula to Outcast Radicalism and promote equality in Asian societies (AURORA)
Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building – Higher Education
15.01.2020- 14.01.2023
Coordinating Institution: Banasthali Vidyapith University, India
Partner Institutions:
- Universidad de Málaga, Spain
- University College Cork, Ireland
- Masaryk University, Czech Republic
- Universidad Babeș-Bolyai, Romania
- Edulab Educational Exchange Private Limited, India
- Pokhara University, Nepal
- National Law College Pvt. Ltd., Nepal
- Managing Committee of Kalinga Institute Of Social Sciences, India
- The Savitribai Phule Pune University, India
- Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Project Description
The aim of the project is to create a program for Curricular Reform in India and Nepal that will promote inclusive education through teacher training programs at BA/MA levels by developing new courses in educational programs, faculty and Teacher workshops, student leadership training and student activities to foster gender equality, democratic values and combat radicalism to be applied from early stages in the school. The project covers the regional priority for Asia through Curriculum development and Education. training and life-long learning.
The specific objectives are:
- To enhance the quality of academic education for teacher training through the development and modernization of courses that tackle gender equality, respect for human rights and democracy and radicalism.
- To disseminate and sustain new courses extending them to other dept., HEIs and primary/secondary Schools.
- To establish AURORA Clubs at HEIs and at Schools to enhance social inclusive and democratic values.
- To enhance cooperation between HEI with other educational centers.
- The project follows the EHEA vision that everyone has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable them to participate fully in society and manage successfully transitions in the labour market. Four European countries University of Malaga, University College Cork, Masaryk University, Babes-Bolyai University will design and develop training modules on inclusive education, equality and radicalism, which will subsequently be delivered in 8 universities in India and Nepal. The project aims also to develop student associations “AURORA Clubs” to promote inclusive education and workshops to promote leadership skills among students.
KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Acronym: ToMIMEUs
Code of the project: 2019-1-RO01-KA202-063245
Period: 1.11.2019 - 31.08.2021
The Erasmus+ Tomimeus project refers to issues of access to museums for individuals with sensory disabilities based on the principles of Universal Design and Universal Design of Learning and the values of the inclusive education and the fundamental right of all people for access to cultural heritage. The need for cross disciplinary work and interagency partnerships is the basis of the proposed project, which aims to promote a multisensory and inclusive museum for individuals with sensory disabilities.
ToMiMEUs project aims to address the following objectives:
To enable museum staff becomes aware and update their knowledge about the barriers in museums for individuals with sensory disabilities and the techniques including new technologies that can enhance their access and inclusion to museums.
To create learning, cultural and social opportunities for individuals with sensory disabilities as well as within groups with and without disabilities in museums.
To promote the collaboration between museums and universities.
To point out the best practices and guidelines for the development of an accessible, multisensory and inclusive museum for visitors with sensory disabilities
Coordinator: Muzeul Etnografic al Transilvaniei, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Partner institutions
Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Romania
Nicholas and Dolly Goulandris Foundation Museum of Cycladic Art, Museum of
Cycladic Art, Greece
Panepistimio Thessalias, Greece
Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE University), Hungary
S.C. Atomo Ro S.R.L. Romania
Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey
TCDD 1st Regional Directorate, Turkey
Udruzenje Balkanska mreza muzeja / Association Balkan Museum Network, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Hagyományok Háza, Hungary
Intellectual outputs
1) A report on scoping regarding the need’s assessment study and literature review on accessibility in museums and people with sensory disabilities (vision and hearing) and examples of best practices in policy, practice and programmes in each country.
2) The Project platform (portal) which will enable dissemination of public information and it will also act as a central point for partners’ collaboration throughout the project’s life, enabling information exchange of documents.
3) A joint training material for professional development which will be based on the Scoping and the implementation of training material into the format of workshops.
4) The adapted learning experiences through the creation of resources and social scenarios and stories for the development of activities and as well as collecting feed-back from children.
5) The inclusive learning experiences with the creation of activities for children with and without disabilities and videos that highlight the added value of interaction, adapted materials and development of inclusive activities.
6) A guide of best practices of differentiated and multisensory museum content and inclusive practices.
7) A Dissemination Action Plan and Exploitation, Recommendations for policy makers and decision actors
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